Finally, some good news!
"Glastonbury Festival has announced its 2020 Emerging Talent Competition is to go ahead as planned.
Supported by PRS For Music and PRS Foundation, the competition gives new UK and Ireland-based acts of any musical genre the chance to compete for a slot on one of the festival's main stages, with this year's winners to be given a slot at Glastonbury 2021.
The winners and two runners-up of the free-to-enter competition will also be awarded £5,000 and £2,500 talent development prizes, respectively, from PRS Foundation.
The 90 acts to make the longlist were picked by Glastonbury's judging panel, made up of 30 of the UK’s best online music writers & bloggers, from the thousands of entries received in January 2020. Each of the bloggers has chosen their favourite three acts. You can hear a playlist of the acts on the Glastonbury website here."
Read full Music Week article here.