Belfast residents The Blue Americans have been heralded as the young princes of the scene.

Made up of band members Daniel Morgan Ball and Kris Platt, Blue Americans, described as ‘Left-Field’ pop, have delivered another flawless, enigmatic single in the form of ‘Apparition’.  It is safe to say that this track has been received exceptionally well. The track is now sitting at 171,000 streams on Spotify after getting added to New Music Friday (worldwide) playlist.

The song is a simply stunning piece of music. The track begins with a soft minimal approach, before gently rising into an extremely catchy chorus. As the track progresses the listener gets carried away on a wave like journey, slightly up, then down, whilst all along appreciating the relaxed aesthetic feel.

In a music scene where many bands are going for a similar sound, Blue Americans have gone in a different direction and have brought us a track that goes against the grain and delivers something that little bit unique.

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Blue Americans

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